Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 01 Jan 1970
Prihvaćeno: 01 Jan 1970
Joksić Ivan (Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђе у Новом Саду, Универзитет Привредна академија у Новом Саду),
Bojić Borislav (Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђе у Новом Саду, Универзитет Привредна академија у Новом Саду)
A specific criminal status of minors is the subject of regulation of many international instruments, notably of the United Nations and Council of Europe. A number of recommendations and standards contained in these documents have changes concerning the basic objective of internal legislation, which go in the direction of improving the system of proactive and reactive responses to juvenile crime. The major principles that govern the creators of these instruments are the suitable creation of the juvenile justice system that will allow the balance of interests of three actors of the criminal act; it is the protection of the interests of minors, victims and the community, or society as a totality. In reaction to the criminal delinquency of minors, the creators of the democratic vision of international and European instruments opt for the alternative measures and programs, educational measures and juvenile imprisonment. The authors have proceeded from the fact that in the last decade a number of European instruments covering a wider field of juvenile crime were adopted, being both in the field of family and criminal law. It is, therefore, advisable to highlight the status of the juvenile criminal law, their criminal responsibility and the criminal system of measures and criminal sanctions following international and European instruments.
Ključne reči: juvenile, juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice, the United Nations, Council of Europe, the alternative measures