UDC 004.738.5:339
Biblid: 1451-3188, 20 (2021)
Vol. 20, No 75, pp. 145-156
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18485/iipe_ez.2021.20.75.9
Stručni rad
Received: 12 Feb 2021
Accepted: 07 Apr 2021
VUKOTIĆ Jasmina (Prof dr Jasmina Vukotić, Visoka škola strukovnih studija za informacione tehnologije ITS, Beograd – Zemun, Cara Dušana 34), jasmina1vukotic@gmail.com
In the modern world, information technologies and electronic business are unavoidable parts of our lives, and therefore it is necessary to regulate these issues. The legal framework is already set by Directive 1999/93/EC and other acts enacted in this area, but the development of e-business requires constant adaptation to the new needs. In order to increase the trust of users and the efficiency of services provided within the e-business, it was necessary to expand the existing legal framework and regulate in detail the trust services, as well as electronic identification. This paper analyses Regulation (EU) 910/2014 on electronic identification and trusted services for electronic transactions. In the Republic of Serbia, following provisions of this Regulation, the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Business was passed in 2017, and the analysis of the Regulation aims to give a better understanding of the provisions of this law, which has been in force for three years.
Keywords: electronic identification, trust services, electronic signature, electronic seal, electronic time stamp, electronic delivery services, electronic document