Preventing Plagiarism

In order to protect the scientific integrity of the journal European Legislation, papers are checked for originality, i.e. the absence of plagiarism, before publication.

Plagiarism means taking someone else’s ideas, terms, or other forms of creative expression and passing it off as your own.

Submission of plagiarized papers for publication in the journal European Legislation will be treated as a gross violation of scientific and publishing ethics.

Plagiarism can also include copyright infringement, which is punishable by law.

Plagiarism includes the following:

  • Verbatim or almost verbatim downloading or deliberate paraphrasing (in order to conceal plagiarism) of parts of other authors’ texts without clearly indicating the source or linking marking of copied fragments (using quotation marks);
  • Copying images or tables from other works without proper citation of the source and/or without the permission of the author or copyright holders.

Papers with clear indications of plagiarism will be automatically rejected and the authors will be permanently banned from publishing in the journal. If it is later found that the work published in the journal is plagiarized, it will be withdrawn in accordance with the procedure described under “Retraction Policy”, and the authors will be permanently prohibited from publishing in the journal.