UDK 339.923:061EU]:336.58 336.58:061EU(497.11)
Biblid: 1451-3188, 17 (2018)
Vol. 18, No 65, str. 29-49

Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 01 Jan 1970
Prihvaćeno: 01 Jan 1970


Sofijanić Snežana (Народна банка Србије), snezana.sofijanic@nbs.rs
Mijailović Sandra

The financial crisis and the debt crisis which the European Union has experienced over the past decade has shown its incomplete economic and financial architecture was not sufficient to prevent the emergence of unsustainable policies and was not sufficiently resistant to effectively absorb the negative consequences that developed after that. Therefore, the institutions of the European Union have begun implementing a comprehensive package of measures aimed at strengthening economic and monetary union, which requires, first of all, the filling of the banking union and further progress of the Union towards a common capital market. In the past few months, the European Union has presented several important legislative and non-legislative initiatives for implementing measures related to risk reduction: regulatory and supervisory frameworks for preventing risk accumulation, reducing the level of non-performing loans, reducing costs for cross-border banking transactions, and counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment and improvement of financing for sustainable growth. Opening Chapter 9 - Financial services in Serbia\'s negotiations with the European Union points to some additional challenges that will have to be resolved by the end of the accession process. Bearing in mind that the European Union supervises the transposition of legal acquis into the domestic legal framework and the establishment of appropriate administrative structures capable of their implementation and realisation, monitoring of regulatory initiatives within the European Union is important for the success of accession negotiations and for further improvement of the financial stability of the Republic of Serbia.

Ključne reči: the Economic and Monetary Union, Banking Union, Capital Markets Union, legal acquis, EU Accession Negotiations, Chapter 9 - Financial Services