Biblid: 1451-3188, 10 (2011)
Vol. 11, No 35-36, pp. 9-20

Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970


Jovanić Tatjana (Правни факултет Универзитета у Београду),

The Commission Smart Regulation Communication of October 2010 has outlined the measures intended to ensure the quality of regulation throughout the policy cycle, from the design of policy and law drafting to its evaluation and revision. As a new plan towards future governance, the smart regulation is expected to help achieve the ambitious objectives for an effective, sustainable and inclusive growth set out by the Europe 2020 Strategy. The smart regulation is, however, a shared responsibility and its success will depend on all institutions and stakeholders involved in the creation and enforcement of EU policies. The goal of this regulatory concept is to provide a more efficient regulatory process and make it more responsive to changes challenging the regulatory space. The basic ideas of the “smart regulation” are as follows: a better legislative process (including regular assessment of the legislation), cooperation between all subjects included in the process (Parliament, Commission, Council, Member States, other stakeholders), and better consultancy with the stakeholders. Regardless of the instruments that are employed, a truly “smart regulation” should be a responsive regulation, a regulation that promotes the interests of citizens and provides a full range of public policy objectives.

Keywords: regulation, regulatory policy, public policy, regulatory reform, EU law