УДК 711.168(4-672EU)
Библид: 1451-3188, 14 (2015)
Vol. 15, No 52-53, стр. 321-332

Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970


Knežević Bojović Ana (Институт за упоредно право, Београд), akbojovic@gmail.com

Urban regeneration has become recognized as a privileged sustainable development instrument over the past years. Today the majority of towns and cities face the problem of the lack of space for development. At the same time, there are a number of unused spaces at attractive central which also often constitute environmental risks, since they are heavily polluted. This is why the local governments have lately shifted their focus towards regenerating such brownfields, and have created various programs and strategies aimed at their redevelopment. In March 2006, the European Commission has issued a Working Document on State Aid Control and Regeneration of Deprived Urban Areas, which systematically analyses the compatibility of various types of state aid with the general regulatory framework governing the control of state aid in the EU. This document is an important soft law instrument, which clearly shows the intent of the European Commission to regulate the issue of support to urban regeneration and brownfield revitalization not through the adoption of a single regulatory instrument, but rather through flexible targeted support options. This choice of approach also provides good guidance for , where a number of regeneration efforts have been commenced lately.

Кључне речи: Brownfield, state aid, incentives, EU, revitalization