UDK 336.224:347.235:061.1
Biblid: 1451-3188, 11 (2012)
Vol. 12, No 39-40, str. 251-267

Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 14 Mar 2023
Prihvaćeno: 14 Mar 2023


Jeremić Nebojša („Телеком Србија” а.д.),
Ćirić Dimitrijević Jasmina (Ibidem)

Property tax is the oldest form of public income and today, it is the dominant revenue that belongs to local authorities. Every EU country has defined the tax base on different parameters, but as a rule, it leads to a depressed tax base and low income. Therefore, the importance of balance collected tax form, except in a few countries with rich population, is modest, but steady. One of the reasons for a small share of this tax in GDP or in the total tax revenue results from pursuing the “social” policy. Taxation of real estate, as part of wider tax type property taxation, characterizes the “most visible” tax form, thus it is very unpopular and generally applies to proportional and low tax rates. For this modest balance collected tax form, tax authorities do not show particular interest in administrating this thoroughly and all the activities leave to local governments in whose jurisdiction this matter is.

Ključne reči: Property tax, tax burden, local authorities, tax relief and exemptions