Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970
Tanjević Nataša (Висока школа за пословну економију и предузетништво, Београд),
Galjak Ilija
Certain features such as anonymity of Internet communications, access, free movement of variousfacilities and the like open space for different types of abuse and many dangers that can particularly affect vulnerable children. The increase in criminal activities committed through the Internet require a more effective fight against this form of crime that would result in fewer risk behaviours of Internet users and children in particular as well as in the increased awareness of potential abuses. This problem that has been put in the spotlight of the European and world public opinion in some countriesis a top priority when it comesto computer crime and organized crime in general (for example in France, Great Britain, Germany, USA). This paper discusses the place and role of the European Union in preventing and combating child pornography. In addition, we have analyzed the most important decisions of the European Union in this field as well as their importance in detecting, preventing and combating this type of crime. It is also shown how the provisions of the Criminal Code of Serbia have been brought into line with international norms and standards in this field.
Кључне речи: Internet, child pornography, abuse, European Union, victimization, legislation.