УДК 322:342.4
Библид: 1451-3188, 16 (2017)
Vol. 17, No 61-62, стр. 43-62

Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970


Golić Darko (Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђе Универзитета Привредна академија у Новом Саду), g.darko83@gmail.com

Although the secular character of the state is not questionable in Europe, regarding the relations between the state on one hand and the church and religious communities on the other, different models can be noted. They are conditioned by the tradition, the historical circumstances of the development of certain countries, culture and a modern social role of the church and religious communities. Regardless the constitutional model of the relationship, the guarantee of full religious freedom, which includes an individual and corporative component with certain differences in coverage of constitutional guarantees, presents one of the main European standards, which experienced a certain progression in the second half of the 20th century in terms of the guarantee of additional rights, wider defining, and the tendencies of development of multiple relations between the state and the church and religious communities. Besides, the limitations of this freedom or work of religious communities and the possibilities of their ban are restrictively explained and applied. Bearing in mind the international guarantees, comparative experiences, constitutional framework of the relations between the state and the church and religious communities, as well as religious freedom, in Serbia it is on the level of the highest standards, which, unquestioning their separation, provides enough wide opportunities for the development of multiple cooperation and valorisation of the positive role of the church and religious communities in public life.

Кључне речи: state, constitution, churches and religious communities, religious freedom