Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970
Zečević Slobodan (Институт за европске студије, Београд), vzecevic@eunet.rs
The attitude of the Serbian intelligentsia and the political elite towards the idea of the European Union as the embryo of a supranational European federal state has largely determined the position of Serbia in contemporary Europe and the world. Prior to the Second World War, the Yugoslav State and Serbian Intelligence fully supported the French initiative to create a European Union with federal characteristics as a defence against war and rising fascism. In the aftermath of the Second World War, Socialist Yugoslavia gradually built a non-aligned position in relation to military and political blocs that distanced itself from contemporary social trends in Western Europe. The process of European integration in domestic scientific circles was viewed with scepticism as a kind of novelty without foundation and future. The underestimating and disputing of the importance of the European Union has contributed to the disorientation of the political decision-makers in Serbia. The alternative directions of Serbian foreign policy have materially and educationally harmed the generations of Serbs, especially young people because it artificially isolated them from the natural economic and cultural environment. Previously mentioned contributed to the territorial, economic and political weakness of Serbia and diminished its influence and prestige in the region as well as in the world.
Кључне речи: The European Union, Serbia, federalism, supranational state, European integration, foreign policy, intelligentsia, political elite