УДК 341.43(4-672EU)
Библид: 1451-3188, 15 (2016)
Vol. 16, No 58, стр. 51-65

Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970


Spalević Žaklina (Факултет за туристичко-хотелијерски менаџмент, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд), zspalevic@singidunum.ac.rs
Palević Milan
Petrović Vladimir (Правни факултет Универзитета у Крагујевцу)

Asylum is a form of legal and factual protection afforded by the country on its territory, a person who is not able to obtain the protection of the country whose nationality they have, or in which he resides, particularly because of the fear that it might be persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality or membership of a particular social or political group. Asylum seekers are persons who need to provide (but not necessarily) international protection, and provide the ability to access the territory of another country that can provide them with adequate protection. Although we can not speak about the right to asylum, the right to seek asylum provided by numerous international documents, as both universal and regional. Due to the escalation of the Middle-East crisis as a result of inconsistent, unprincipled and uncoordinated policies and hasty military action, western allies in the region, and the region of North Africa, in the last ten years, especially since 2014, population migration are increasingly directed (controlled-not controlled) to the territories of the Member States of the EU. The paper, with the lighting of universal elementary documents related to the issue of asylum, considered “European” normative response to the current challenge of uncontrolled migration, which, according to many, is unprecedented since the end of World War II. In addition to the general laws and the particular scope, subject to the analysis work and recommendations and declarations of the major international organizations that deal with the issue of asylum seekers, especially the UNHCR, the European Union and the Council of Europe.

Кључне речи: Asylum, International Law, European Union, Council of Europe