Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970
Čović Dragan (Факултету за пословно индустријски менаџмент и право, Београд),
Čović Ana (Институт за упоредно право, Београд), tankosicana@yahoo.com
This paper is about the causes of mobbing, the conditions in which mobbing occurs, the consequences of mobbing on the bodily and mental health of employees, how to prevent mobbing, national mechanisms for the protection and the response to this ubiquitous phenomenon. It examines the existing legislation of the Republic of Serbia in this field with emphasis on jurisprudence and possible improvement of existing legislation. Whether the recognition of mobbing as a phenomenon that requires legal regulation and raising awareness of the population is enough for its elimination from everyday life or it is just the first step in a complex process to protect workers and their rights.
Кључне речи: mobbing, employees, harassment at work, psychic harassment