Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970
Dabović Dušan (Министарство пољопривреде и заштите животне средине – Управа за заштиту биља, Београд), dusan.dabovic@minpolj.gov.rs
The aim of this article is to determine, by the method of text analysis, the most important issues of the Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy, as well as to present explication of the issues. The Regulation is one of the basic laws underlying the new Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, which has been formulated in accordance with the strategy “The CAP towards 2020“. The Regulation has established the goals of the Common Agricultural Policy in the areas of financing, management and monitoring, bringing general provisions on the agricultural funds (the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund – EAGF and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development – EAFRD), as well as provisions on financial management of the funds, farm advisory system, integrated administration and control systems and penalties, cross-compliance, monitoring and evaluation and on the other issues. Also, the Regulation authorizes the European Commission in order to supplement or amend certain non-essential elements of the Regulation. In the Republic of Serbia the financing of agriculture is regulated by a law and an annual bylaw on the basis of which each year paying agency distributes appropriations for different measures, in accordance with the law on the national budget.
Кључне речи: The European Union, agriculture, finance, management, monitoring, law