Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970
Korać Srđan (Институт за међународну политику и привреду, Београд),
The paper discusses to what extent the European Data Protection Supervisor’s control powers can effectively protect the right to privacy against the increasing securitisation of the EU policies. Being legitimised on the ground of its rather disputable value for a successful fight against organised crime and terrorism, the securitisation approach in the EU policy-making promotes the use of collecting personal data on massive scale as well as gathering of criminal evidence by intrusive techniques. The use of crime-intelligence methods undermines the safety of personal data as a substantial part of the right to privacy. The author argues that the European Data Protection Supervisorʼs success in pursuing the policy of “checks and balances” against the European Commission and the Council of EU is vital to ensure the protection of personal data when they are subjected to processing in various administrative procedures. The plausible benefits that may stem from the preventive role of the European Data Protection Supervisor through networking with national data protection authorities and Data Protection Officers in the EU institutions are also analysed. The author concludes that the “soft” powers of the European Data Protection Supervisor can produce some benefits in the long run, namely it can build the culture of data protection in EU institutions and raise awareness amongst the broader public.
Кључне речи: privacy, data protection, surveillance, intelligence services, European Data Protection Supervisor, EU institutions