УДК 796.71:061.1
Библид: 1451-3188, 13 (2014)
Vol. 14, No 49-50, стр. 420-430

Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 15 Mar 2023
Прихваћено: 15 Mar 2023


Kekić Dalibor (Криминалистичко-полицијска академија у Београду),
Subošić Dane

The European Union has a very limited direct role in sports. The European Commission is composed of Directorates-General and several departments. Within the Directorate-General Education and Culture is the Sport Unit, which is responsible for the following main areas: cooperation within the Commission and with other institutions on sport-related issues, cooperation with national and international sports institutions, organisations and federations, bilateral meetings with sports institutions and organisations and international sports federations. One of a few specific measures in sports was taken by Decision No. 291/2003/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 February 2003 that established the European Year of Education through Sport 2004. The activities and initiatives undertaken during 2004 were organised at the Community, transnational, national, regional and local level and were sometimes co-financed by the Community. Activities compromised, for instance, the financial support for transnational, national, regional or local initiatives to promote education through sports. Although not directed specifically at sports, many of the rules, policies and programmes of the European Union have an impact on the sports in the world or are of interest to it. The common market of the European Union creates the right for any EU citizen to move and work freely in another member state. The landmark Bosman ruling confirmed that this right, when applied to professional athletes, forbade nationality quotas in sports leagues that affected EU citizens. This has changed the face of professional sports in the EU, with top teams now collecting talents from all over Europe and sometimes even fielding teams with no domestic players at all. The European Capital of Sport is a city designated by the ACES (European Capitals of Sport Association) since 2001 for a period of one calendar year during which it organises a series of sport events with a strong European dimension.

Кључне речи: Sport unit, European Capital of Sport, Directives of European Union, Bosman ruling, Sport, European Commission