УДК 361.647.82:001.6
Библид: 1451-3188, 11 (2012)
Vol. 12, No 42, стр. 9-36

Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970


Batričević Ana (Институт за криминолошка и социолошка истраживања, Грачаничка 18,11000 Београд), a.batricevic@yahoo.com

Respecting human rights, including the right of equality, i.e. the right of equal treatment, embodied in the principle of non-discrimination holds an outstanding position among the priorities of the European Union. The prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnical origins, gender, religion beliefs, age and sexual orientation is guaranteed by a series of provisions of both – primary as well as secondary sources of European Union law. Primary sources (Founding Treaties) mostly contain general provisions that proclaim the right of equality and the prohibition of discrimination, whereas secondary sources (such as Decisions, Regulations and Directives) deal with the issue of discrimination on particular grounds and in various different situations. Due to the fact that since 2005 the European Commission has regularly been submitting annual Reports on the progress of Serbia in the process of European integrations, including the sphere of human rights, being familiar with and implementing European standards in this field is of immense importance for our country. That is the reason why the author of this paper analyzes legislative framework of the European Union, which regulates definition, prevention suppression and sanctioning of behaviors and practices that could be described as discriminatory, dedicating special attention to those provisions that could be considered relevant for the Republic of Serbia. Furthermore, by discussing the provisions of strategic documents of the European Union, which are significant for the prohibition of discrimination, the author attempts to predict future courses in the development of anti-discriminatory policies of this regional organization and key tendencies in the evolution of its legislative framework dedicated to this issue.

Кључне речи: Discrimination, prohibition of discrimination, equal treatment, human rights, European Union