УДК 632:061.1
Библид: 1451-3188, 10 (2011)
Vol. 11, No 35-36, стр. 94-105

Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970


Dabović Dušan (Виши саветник, Министарство пољопривреде, шумарства и водопривреде – Управа за заштиту биља, Београд),

In the European Union, plant protection is regulated within the area of food safety (with the regulation on veterinary and sanitary issues). It includes three subgroups of issues: placing on the market and use of plant protection products (pesticides), the presence of residues of plant protection products in food and animal feed as well as plant health or protection of plants from harmful organisms. The main objective of the EU phytosanitary legislation is to ensure the safety of food and feed as well as health and quality status of crops in all Member States. Therefore, the EU has established control of movement of plants both in the internal market and on the borders in the process of importing these products from third countries. Also, the EU wants to ensure that the use of pesticides will not be harmful to health of people and animals or the environment. The great importance of plant protection for the EU is confirmed by the number of its legal acts. In fact, this area is regulated by more than 500 legal acts of which more than 50 are directives and regulations. In the Republic of Serbia in 2009, three new laws were adopted in the phytosanitary field. Within a period of several years, a new legal framework based on the European legislation should be completed by a number of by-laws.

Кључне речи: plant protection, health protection of people and animals, environmental protection, phytosantary system, European Union law