Изворни научни рад
Примљено: 01 Jan 1970
Прихваћено: 01 Jan 1970
Jovašević Dragan (Професор Кривичног права и Међународног кривичног права, Правни факултет у Нишу),
The paper analyses the place, role and significance of international and European standards, this primarily including the implementation of informal measures in juvenile criminal law in the Republic of Serbia. Actually, following the tendencies in a number of international and European documents that have been adopted recently within and under the auspices of the Organization of United Nations (Convention of Rights of the Child) as well as other documents adopted by regional organisations (Council of Europe) in 2005 Serbia adopted a separate Law on Juvenile Offenders and Criminal Protection of Juveniles. In this way, this legal document has comprehensively defined the (material, procedural and executory) legal position of juveniles as offenders and as victims of criminal acts. With this aim our states has codified juvenile criminal law in a similar way as was done in the last few years by some other European states – France, Austria, Germany, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc. This paper presents the characteristics of correction orders as informal measures taken against juvenile offenders, their purpose as well as the conditions and ways they are implemented theoretically and practically.
Кључне речи: International standards, Council of Europe, law, juvenile, criminal act, informal measures, correction orders