UDK 351.78(497.11)
Biblid: 1451-3188, 21 (2022)
Vol. 21, No 77-78, str. 348-364
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18485/iipe_ez.2022.21.77_78.21

Originalni naučni rad
Primljeno: 10 Mar 2022
Prihvaćeno: 05 Apr 2022


MATIJAŠEVIĆ Jelena (Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђе у Новом Саду), jelena@pravni-fakultet.info
DRAGOJLOVIĆ Joko (Универзитет Привредна академија у Новом Саду), jdragojlovic@pravnifakultet.info

The security of the individual depends on the preservation of the internal security of the state. Contemporary supranational security problems are symptoms of the structural crisis of modern world society and are a kind of combination of issues of internal and international security. The issue of supranational security problems is a significant security and legal issue, which has been attracting the attention of the scientific and professional public for years. What makes this topic always relevant, almost timeless, is the fact that forms of supranational risks and threats are modified, complicated, and innovated with the process of globalisation, leading to growing security problems in the wider international community. Modern supranational forms of security problems have set new tendencies in both science and security practice, making the sectoral approach to security more complex and demanding (both theoretically and practically). For years, the Republic of Serbia has been facing not so small security challenges, risks and threats, which could potentially cause the unfavourable development of the security situation. The subject paper thematically includes a review of local and regional security, national and supranational security issues in the context of the European security strategy, especially issues related to globalisation as a modern supranational security problem. The paper also includes and analyses the general concept of security, the concept of local and regional security, and their supranational implications that may be important for maintaining the security of the Republic of Serbia.

Ključne reči: National Security, Local and Regional Security, Supranational Security, European security strategy, Serbia