UDC 341.225.5 (4-672EU)
Biblid: 1451-3188, 19 (2020)
Vol. 19, No 73-74, pp. 141-152
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18485/iipe_ez.2020.19.73_74.4

Stručni rad
Received: 26 Jan 2020
Accepted: 08 Oct 2020


BJELICA VLAJIĆ Iris (Prof. dr Iris Bjelica Vlajić je predavač pravne grupe predmeta u Visokoj brodarskoj školi akademskih studija, Beograd), iris_bjelica_vlajic@yahoo.com

The use of maritime waterways for the transport of people and goods is steadily increasing. Despite the development of technology, the use of new materials and the improvement of ship dimensions, the loss of life at sea is still great. The reason for this is that the basic rules regarding the capacity of the ship or its technical capabilities are not respected. Therefore, global and regional organizations seek to adopt and harmonize different standards that would secure the safety of passengers and crew members. The rules range from improving living and working conditions on board, equalizing crew education and training certificates, adopting detailed technical rules for the construction, alteration and equipping of ships, as well as categorization of ships to limit their movement in the sea belts according to structural capabilities which they have. Some Member States of the European Union, due to their geographical specificity, have particular needs for the use of maritime routes. A number of legislative acts have been adopted by the bodies of the European Union, the most recent being Directive 2017/2108/EU. The aim is to align EU legislation with existing international standards, but also to harmonize the legislation of the Member States with one another, as well as to eliminate the unintended negative consequences that earlier acts have produced.

Keywords: EU legislation, international standards, passenger ships