Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970
Zečević Slobodan (Институт за европске студије, Београд), vzecevic@eunet.rs
Successive crises that hit the European Union in the 21st century, leading to the strengthening of nationalist and Eurosceptic parties and movements, have forced Emanuel Macron, the French president elected in May 2017, to return to the European political scene. The essence of the French proposal on new foundations of the European Union is in the vision of a sovereign, united and democratic Europe. European sovereignty would be gradually built on the basis of strengthening unity in the euro zone by introducing the European federal budget, European taxes and the function of the Minister of Finance, as well as the harmonization of national norms in the tax and social sphere. The process in question would be accompanied by the strengthening of the democratic legitimacy of the European Parliament and its competencies. The European Union would build its military autonomy and protect the security of its borders by establishing the European Border Police and the Office of Asylum. It remains to be seen what will be the result of the final agreement between Paris and Berlin on the future of the European Union and whether this will truly represent a new beginning in the European integration process.
Keywords: The European Union, euro zone, European budget, sovereignty, Minister of the Euro-zone, The European Parliament, Federalism, Confederalism