Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970
Bešić Cariša (Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет техничких наука у Чачку),
Bešić Snežana (Висока железничка школа струковних студија, Београд)
The global level of a long-term economic and financial crisis continues to be a challenge for the financial and banking system. Banks continued their association and growth across borders, applying one-size-fits-all approach, where this size is always extra-large. In some of the poor communities across the European Union, banking institutions closed to cut costs. However, directors of those banks who had personal relationships with their debtors became attractive, and these communities were increasingly separated from the wider economy as the financing for their needs became the subject of speculation. Such regulations meant reducing the total number of branches of each bank and savings cooperatives to a smaller size than the network of postal branches. All this suggests the global banking system is changing or creating a new banking architecture on a global scale. A major \"contribution\" to this was the general financial and economic crisis. Therefore, banks had to become more flexible in their operations and their adaptability to new business conditions was reflected in the efforts to create an alternative banking system, capable of responding to the challenges of a long-term crisis or shortages of capital on the global financial market. The EU institution adopted new rules of banking supervision which bear the losses and an appropriate part of the cost arising from the failure of the institution and not the taxpayers. Serbia needs to harmonize timely its regulations in the field of banking supervision with EU regulations.
Keywords: Unedited supervisory, banks, mechanism, financial restructuring, harmonize, regulations