UDC 321.862/863(497.11)
Biblid: 1451-3188, 16 (2017)
Vol. 17, No 61-62, pp. 315-344

Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970


Klisarić Milan (Факултет за правне и пословне студије „др Лазар Вркатић”), mklisar60@gmail.com
Skakavac Zdravko

The subject-matter of this paper is the relation between strategic planning and strategic development of public security in the Republic of Serbia in the last 15 years in each aspect. The main hypothesis of the paper is: \"In the last 15 years, strategic planning has, to a varying extent, influenced the development of public security in the Republic of Serbia by being significantly more developed in aspects of social relations and systems, and significantly less in aspects of the state and functions of public security\". The aim of the research is to identify, describe and explain the types and conditions of strategic changes in public security in the Republic of Serbia in the last 15 years in all its aspects. The paper identified key determinants and areas of strategic development of public safety, such as organized crime, corruption, drug crime, violent crime, etc. Within each area is identified and described the strategic development of public safety. The paper uses qualitative and quantitative approach to research and secondary data from relevant research. Basic methods used in the study are: content analysis, secondary analysis, statistical methods, analyticalsynthetic and inductive-deductive method. Key results of the studies relate to the confirmation of the working thesis. Namely, strategic planning has contributed most to the development of public security in aspects of social relations and the system, and less in aspects of state and functions. The main recommendations of the paper are: the development of a preventive police strategy involving all responsible corporate entities, the application of strict and objective evaluation of strategic processes, strengthening the service role of the police in the community, the implementation of modern models of police management and work, such as Police work in the community, Intelligence Led Policing, process management, quality management, etc. Also, strategic managers should encourage and develop an incremental approach to the strategic development of public security, not just prescriptive approaches.

Keywords: public safety, strategy, strategy planning, strategy development