UDC 336.717.13(4-672EU)
Biblid: 1451-3188, 16 (2017)
Vol. 17, No 60, pp. 138-158

Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970


Ristić Kristijan (Пословни и Правни факултет, Универзитет Унион „Никола Тесла“, Београд), kristijanristic.fpim@yahoo.com
Gligić Anja (Београдска банкарска академија, Универзитет Унион, Београд)

During the process of establishing new mechanisms of integration of material spheres and the service sector, the development of international trade has led to the expansion of the list of objects of international business relations and trade turnover in the world market. Such a phenomenon that will further its cyclical development, represents a new stage and the lobby of the contemporary world economic and trade order. Many states have traditionally shown a high degree of control of entrepreneurial activity in the area of services. However, today is it indisputable that the process of establishing a new mechanism of integration in the areas of material productions and services is underway; this process is accompanied by a strong liberalization of international trade relations at the global level. The legal provisions governing the supply of services have been increasingly influenced by the international legal regime, whose predominant impact has a “discharging effect” on the capacity of the national legislation. The authors point out that the diverse nature of the services causes different problems not only in defining and understanding the character of services, but also in establishing a legal framework for their proper standardization which would regulate ways of providing services in the global market. This approach is the basis for structuring mechanism of legal liberalization in international trade. Object services on the international market mean a temporary or occasional provision of services outside the borders of the home country donors. States often sought through national legislation, establishing different types of restriction in services in the internal market.

Keywords: European Union, payment, information services, international trade