Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970
Todić Dragoljub (Институт за међународну политику и привреду, Београд), d.todic@diplomacy.bg.ac.rs
The paper emphasizes the importance of the Paris Agreement on climate change (2015) and the context of the various issues that have accompanied its preparatory activities, adoption and entry into force. The paper provides an overview of the key obligations prescribed by the Agreement. It further examines the elements of the wider system of international environmental treaties relevant to climate change. The author’s initial position is that for the interpretation of the nature and scope of the Paris Agreement on climate change depends on the whole system of international treaties that are (or may be) relevant to certain questions in the field. Criteria of relevance for the other international agreements in the field of climate change can be diversely defined. The question of the relevance of the Paris Agreement for the Republic of Serbia (RS) is discussed through analyzing the basic elements of national policies and regulations in this area of importance for the process of EU integration. In terms of the membership of the RS in international treaties it should be noted that the RS has not ratified the Paris Agreement. However, as far as the membership of the RS in international treaties of importance to climate change is concerned, RS has a relatively uniform membership (compared to countries in the region). This includes also the core international treaties on climate change. Certain progress has been achieved in terms of the harmonization of national legislation with EU regulations, but the most significant activities are yet to come.
Keywords: climate change, Paris Agreement, Kyoto protocol, climate change, environment, international treaties, European integration, Republic of Serbia, harmonisation of the national legislation