Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970
Stojiljković Jelena (Министарство спољних послова Републике Србије), lelastojiljkovic@gmail.com
Terrorism, as one of the greatest challenges the world is facing today, is a common threat to all people and states and it certainly requires an international response. The research goal of this paper is to describe, through an analysis of the judgment of Court of First Instance in Kadi case, the shift from economic sanctions against whole nations to sanctions targeted at individuals. Although the targeted sanctions have appeared precisely in response to criticism aimed at economic sanctions and also due to some historical circumstances, targeted sanctions regime has been receiving criticism for the manner in which individuals may come to be selected without transparency or possibility of formal review. The important questions related to the targeted sanctions arose in the Kadi case concerned the competence of the Community to adopt and implement targeted (smart) sanctions, directed against terrorist – individuals.
Keywords: Kadi case, economic sanctions, targeted (smart) sanctions, terrorism, Court of First Instance