Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970
Zečević Slobodan (Редовни професор Права Европске уније и Пословног права Европске уније на Европском универзитету у Београду),
Free movement of goods is guaranteed by the Treaties of the European Union as a fundamental principle upon which relies the European internal market. Apart from other things, the respect of this principle should enable citizens of the European Union to make gains and pleasure from the functioning of the internal market. In that sense, the Treaties of the European Union provide legal norms that should ensure free movement of goods in practice. This includes prohibition for European Union member countries to impose export or import taxes that would produce the same effect as customs. In addition, member countries are prohibited to practice tax discrimination, what involves imposing of higher taxes for goods imported from other EU member states. Quantity restrictions and government measures that would produce the same effect as quaintly restrictions are prohibited in trade among member states. Measures that produce the same effect as quantity restrictions are regarded as justified in European Union law in case member states adopt them for the purpose of protection of public morals, order or security, protection of human and animal health, plant conservation, protection of treasures possessing artistic, historic or archaeological value or yet, protection of industrial or trade property.
Keywords: Freedom of movement, European Union, internal market, movement of goods, trade