Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970
Đukanović Dragan (Научни сарадник, Институт за међународну политику и привреду, Београд),
This article deals with process of decentralization of Kosovo from 2008, after its self-proclaimed independence. In that sense the author analyzes the evolution of the idea about the protection of the ethnic communities in Kosovo based on the principles of local self-government and decentralization. He points that ethnic homogenization of Kosovo from 1981, and first protests of the Albanians in former Yugoslavia, results by de facto parallel life of local Albanians and Serbs. So, he analyses Comprehensive Proposal for the Status of Kosovo from 2007 (Martti Ahtisaari plan), constitutional and law frameworks on local selfgovernment in Kosovo and Agreement between Belgrade and Priština on establishing of an Association/Community of the Serb majority municipalities in Kosovo (2013). The author concludes that bettering of the Belgrade-Priština relations is crucial for the fastening of the EU integrations of the region of Western Balkans and promotion of the new relations between two sides.
Keywords: Kosovo, Serbs, Albanians, local self-government, decentralization, Comprehensive Proposal for the Status of Kosovo, Constitution, legislation, Association/Community of the Serb majority municipalities in Kosovo, European Union