Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970
Jovašević Ana (Institut fur Kultur und Medien management, Freie Universitat, Berlin), ana.jovasevic@gmail.com
One of the achievements of modern law is a human right to a life in a healthy environment. In addiction to the various international standards, this right is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. It was proclaimed as a basic human right whose protection was given the nature of the constitutional principles. The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia in 2006. in Article 74 „Healthy Environment“ stipulates that everyone has the right to a healthy environment and to be promptly and fully informed about its condition. The Article 268 of the Criminal Code (2006) contributes to the importance of the access to information on the environment and the public participation in decision-making in this field and as to the right to obtain information about the state of the environment, guaranteed by the Constitution. This Article provides special criminal-legal protection or punishment for its offence: „Violation of the Right to be Informed about the Condition of the Environment“. According to the legislative solution, this criminal offence consists of withholding information or giving false data on environmental conditions or trends that are necessary for the estimation the risks to the environment or for the protecion human life and health. Thus, all necessary terms and conditions were met for the full, highquality and effective impementation and protection of the right to be informed about the environment.
Keywords: Environment, the Right to Access to Information, Constitution, criminal act, Sanction