Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970
Ožegović Lazar (Факултет за економију и инжењерски менаџмент у Новом Саду),
Vučurević Tatjana
Brkanlić Sandra
Time has passed and the time to come to us imposes an obligation to act responsibly towards the natural environment and to society at whole. Obligation that is before us is not only to preserve its natural resources and wealth on behalf of future generations, but also a request to change current attitude and habits, in order to support sustainable development and there by create high-quality attitude towards ecological development of countries. Sustainable development to create the conditions in which the application of the standards imposed by ecology as a science comes to life. Changes in society are inevitable process, arising as a natural process, or as a process of conscious and unconscious human activities. The relationship of change and sustainable development is specific. This relationship is the need to satisfy the current tangible and intangible needs of society, and to conserve natural resources, culture and heritage for generations to come. The process of sustainable development must go far beyond the simple conservation of natural resources, he must point the way towards the development of ecological, economic growth enable by applying environmental standards at the same time.
Keywords: Sustainable development, ecology, European Union