UDK 502.171:546.212:061.1
Biblid: 1451-3188, 11 (2012)
Vol. 12, No 41, str. 225-231

Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 01 Jan 1970
Prihvaćeno: 01 Jan 1970


Vesić Dobrica (Институт за међународну политику и привреду, Београд), dobrica@diplomacy.bg.ac.rs
Tomić Aleksandra
Stojić Srbijanka

Water is a condition of life on earth. As a very important public good, water has to be a fundamental right of every man. Intensive use of hydrological resources provides economic prosperity and development, ecology, but set a number of current scientific and application problems. In this case it is the basic element of water protection strategies. The economic price of water resources, including the protection of water, must be the basis of new strategies and approaches for environmental protection. The EU countries have regulated the problem of water protection through a series of Directives. The most important is the Water Framework Directive, which consolidates all the other directives in the field of water and water protection. Serbia adopted a new Water Act in line with European standards in the field of water and environmental protection. All countries in the region have aligned their national laws, regulations, standards and institutions in the field of water and environmental protection with the European Union.

Ključne reči: Water, water protection, good condition, protected areas, monitoring