UDC 631.001.6:061.1
Biblid: 1451-3188, 9 (2010)
Vol. 10, No 33-34, pp. 171-183

Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970


Dragojević Željko (Државни унивезитет у Новом Пазару),

The study “Agricultural and Policy of Regional Development in European Union” is composed according to the methodology and programs which are taught at prestigious universities in Europe. Agricultural and in part complementary Policy of regional development, are of the vital importance for the overall economic policy of European Union. Study has macroeconomic aspects and can be utilized for the certain goals of economic policy like growth, development and employment, but also for business strategy and entrepreneurs as well. In the first part, attention is aimed at organizational principles of the EU in the running of Agricultural Policy. In the second part, it elaborates multilateral policy of EU within WTO. Considers issues of export competition and market access. It stresses possibilities of using funds of EAFRD, as a potential chance for domestic agriculture. Another part of the study, refers to the Policy of Regional Development in EU. In a comprehensive manner outlines objectives of the EIB and IPA program.It should be put into function convergence toward the EU, development and employment growth in Serbia.

Keywords: EU, candidacy, agricultural policy, policy of regional development, funds, EIB, IPA, sustainable development, employment