Оriginal article
Received: 01 Jan 1970
Accepted: 01 Jan 1970
Žarin Irina (Форум за међународне односе Европског покрета у Србији), irina_zarin@ hotmail.com
By entering into force, the Lisbon Treaty has introduced a new institutional order in its system, which further establishes new rules for conducting the “EU game”. At the first glance, the new rules reflect a significant change in the power balance among different EU institutions as well as a new division of tasks and responsibilities. For the purpose of this article, the emphasis has been put on the importance that these changes are bringing in the area of the European foreign and security policy with a particular view on the impact that they exert on the future streaming of Serbia’s European integration process.
Keywords: European Union, European Commission, Council of EU, European Council, European Parliament, Treaty Establishing EU, institutional order