UDK 339.92:339.543.2(4)
Biblid: 1451-3188, 17 (2018)
Vol. 18, No 63, str. 128-137

Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 01 Jan 1970
Prihvaćeno: 01 Jan 1970


Milosavljević Miroslav (Факултет за правне и пословне студије Нови Сад; Војвођанска банка, а.д., Нови Сад), m.milosavljevic-ns@hotmail.com
Milosavljević Jelena

The paper analyses the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), one of the European economic associations with the legal personality and international legal personality, its origin, its goals, ways and instruments for achieving these goals, as well as the organs of the Association. The rapid and successful economic development of EFTA member states is just a significant motive for this association to be trained in all its segments. The relationship of the Republic of Serbia with the EFTA in the field of economic cooperation, with a special view of the area of free trade and the contracts concluded between the individual EFTA countries and our state, is also presented. Finally, an appropriate conclusion is given indicating, among other things, the relevance and economic benefits of such association and, for example, the Member States of the EFTA which are small, both spatially and in terms of population, indicate how they can successfully and independently develop domestic economy, increase the standard of citizens and build a safe and stable future.

Ključne reči: free trade, goals, instruments, cooperation, economic benefits