UDK 323.28(4)
Biblid: 1451-3188, 16 (2017)
Vol. 17, No 61-62, str. 354-367

Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 01 Jan 1970
Prihvaćeno: 01 Jan 1970


Lopičić Jančić Jelena (Факултет за међународну политику и безбедност Универзитетa „Унион – Никола Тесла“ у Београду), jelena.lopicic@vektor.net

The contemporary migrant crisis has become a global problem that has affected the countries of Africa, the Middle East, South Asia and Europe. Refugees and migrants are not new terms; they have been known in the Old and Middle Ages and have continuously existed to this day. This article explains the difference between the terms refugees and migrants. Then this article deals with migrations and the emigration of Serbs through the last century to these days. In this article, the problem of refugees that has existed for centuries has been dealt with from the international legal point of view. In the first and second decade of this century, the refugee and migrant issues have become a global problem, created by the wars and arm conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. It is estimated that at least four million refugees due to these wars and armed conflicts in these areas left their homes for justified fear for their lives. Terrorism has also become an international problem. Europe is exposed to the biggest blow and inflow of migrants and refugees from the Middle East and Africa, which caused a different stance in the countries in the European Union over the admission of migrants and refugees. The fact is that the United Nations and all other international organizations are not able to solve the problem of migrant and refugee crises as well as international terrorism. The author believes that only the cessation of the aforementioned wars and armed conflicts in these areas would solve the migrant and refugee crisis, then there would be no justifiable fear for the lives of people who live in these areas, i.e. countries.

Ključne reči: Migrants, refugees, International Law, Convention on the Status of Refugees of 1951, the High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Red Cross from Geneva