Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 01 Jan 1970
Prihvaćeno: 01 Jan 1970
Jovanić Tatjana (Правни факултет Универзитета у Београду), tanja@ius.bg.ac.rs
The recent economic crisis has significantly challenged and subsequently changed the framework of European Economic Governance, which became more complicated. This created additional challenges for the EU accession candidates in the economic policy dialogue based on Economic Reform Programmes, while on the other side the accession negotiations on Chapter 17 have given more importance to meeting the Copenhagen economic criteria, more than it was the case in previous enlargements. The purpose of this article is to briefly present the normative framework of economic policies planning in the EU, through several main reform packages, and to describe the “European Semester” as a process of ex-ante coordination and surveillance of economic planning. The EU\'s economic governance framework revolves around the European semester, its economic policy coordination system, while for the accession candidates a specific “Semester Light” has been in force and currently shapes the planning of economic policies in Western Balkan states. The Government’s Economic Reform Programme is currently the most prominent and tracked document on economic reform; however, it is not the only one of its kind. This clearly explains how economic conditionality, as accession criteria, shapes the policy reform.
Ključne reči: economic planning, economic policy, economic reforms, accession negotiations