UDK 343.9-053.6(497.11)
Biblid: 1451-3188, 16 (2017)
Vol. 17, No 59, str. 198-217

Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 01 Jan 1970
Prihvaćeno: 01 Jan 1970


Klisarić Milan (Факултет за правне и пословне студије „др Лазар Вркатић“ Нови Сад), mklisar60@gmail.com
Skakavac Tatjana

The subject of this paper is the current and warning trends of juvenile crime in the Republic of Serbia in the period 2002–2015, observed in the context of etiological, phenomenological and victimological aspects. The goal of the paper is to describe and explain the correlation between etiological, phenomenological and victimological aspects and the trends of juvenile crime, and also on the basis of this research to predict the further flow of juvenile crime in the near future in the Republic of Serbia. For this research it has been used statistical data of the Republic Institution for Statistic, Ministry of Interior and Internet, and also other data from available sources. The main hypothesis of the paper is: the actual and warning trends of juvenile crime in the Republic of Serbia are the consequence of the deep social destruction of Serbian society in different areas, particularly in the economical area, as well disrupted family integrity and harmony, associated with exactly insufficient social care for youth. The basic methods of the research are the statistical method (descriptive), cause-effect analysis and content analysis. So, the authors of this paper establish their attitude that children and youth are multiply victimized by adults, their negligence and bad upbringing, as well the bad state in society as a whole. It refers to different situations, such as: a situation when minors emerge in the roles of delinquent, not only as victims of physical, psychical or sexual violence of adults, also when they make decision refers to suicide or when they are victims in any accident. Key results of the research refer to the identification of the causes of youth crime, key among which are: economical factor and process of disintegration of a Serbian family, as well to warning trends of drug and violence youth crime. The conclusion of this paper is that society in the Republic of Serbia has to be warned about youth crime due to its actual and warning trends. If society seriously has undertaken nothing in a preventive sense regarding youth crime, especially for the stability of the Serbian family, youth crime would develop much more, in statistic as well in dark numbers.

Ključne reči: trends of crime, minors, etiology, phenomenology, victimology