Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 01 Jan 1970
Prihvaćeno: 01 Jan 1970
Vesić Dobrica (Институт за међународну политику и привреду, Београд),
The development of new technologies in the electronic communications sector is characterized by rapid and sudden changes. In terms of legal regulation imposes the necessity of constant adjustment and modification of the order permanent harmonization. In Serbia, the process of effective market analysis is one of the most important tasks. A detailed analysis of electronic communications we are looking at three important elements: identification of operators with significant market share is determined by the regulatory obligations (in order to establish market equilibrium) and to protect the interests of end-users and other market participants. European regulatory regime for electronic communications is based on the basic concept of “Significant Market Power” (SMP), which defines the operator with a dominant position in the market of electronic communications, in one or more of the services it provides. The challenges of ex-ante regulation in the electronic communications sector in the Republic of Serbia were placed before the Republic Agency for Electronic Communications (RATEL). It is not only the perception of the market situation but also many specifics of our legal framework. Total regulation applies to harmonization with European legislation and a number of regulatory measures in this area.
Ključne reči: New technologies, electronic communications, development, legislation, regulatory framework, market analyses, regulatory obligations