UDK 341.632(469.411)
Biblid: 1451-3188, 9 (2010)
Vol. 10, No 31-32, str. 39-51

Izvorni naučni rad
Primljeno: 01 Jan 1970
Prihvaćeno: 01 Jan 1970


Mahmutović Adnan (Прoфeсoр у Цeнтру зa oбуку Грaничнe пoлициje Бoснe и Хeрцeгoвинe, Сaрajeвo),

The paper presents an analysis of the most important changes defined in the new, seventh EU Treaty, which are, for now, the most important reforms of the European Union. The Lisbon Treaty, although in many ways basically relying on the previously rejected fundamental premise of the Constitution for Europe, contains a special form. The amendments to the formal concept of the Treaty in relation to the previous constitution were done with the purpose to avoid the referendum plea of its eligibility. In fact, according to the expert estimates, the great divergence concerning the Constitution for Europe in member countries was caused by the courage to impose common symbols of the Union or other legal formalisms (expressions like constitution, law, etc.). The Lisbon Treaty, aborting from formalisms of the Constitution for Europe, skilfully avoids the eurosceptics deadfall, which opens the door for fundamental reforms that will ensure the continuation of the enlargement and deepening process of the European Union.

Ključne reči: Lisbon Treaty, European Union, EU reforms, Constitution for Europe